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What are oral thin strips

Oral thin strip is a thin, long and narrow film prepared by using hydrophilic polymers rapidly dissolves on tongue or buccal cavity. Fast dissolving oral strips are solid doses form which disintegrates and dissolves within 1 min 

when placed in mouth without need of drinking water.

Oral thin strips is a nutrient delivery system that allows a thin strip to dissolve upon contact with the cheek or the tongue, allowing the nutrients to directly enter the circulatory system, act quickly and deliver a larger proportion 

of the active compound per dose.

This helps deliver a precise and accurate dose that does the job faster than traditional pills, delivering almost instantaneous results – some times, within minutes! What’s more, since Oral thin strips (OTS) dissolve in your mouth, 

they bypass the acids in your stomach, which eliminates the chance of further breakdown of nutrients.

With no water needed, these strips can be consumed anytime, anywhere, for rapid results. This makes it a technologicallyadvanced alternative to other nutraceutical options, and given that it’s flavourful, dissolves in your mouth 

and eliminates the chances of choking on a pill.


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